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Calum Iain MacArthur Calum Iain MacArthur is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Calum Iain MacArthur
    20-02-17 04:34 PM
    Calum Iain MacArthur
    Hi, looking for a breaking B2 Audi 80 saloon O/S rear quarter panel
  2. Calum Iain MacArthur
    04-10-16 12:16 AM
    Calum Iain MacArthur
    Hi looking for a front seat for my 1986 B2 audi 80 sport, grey in colour, drivers seat has burst lumber support, either driver or pasenger seat woud do.

    Look forward to any replies that may be of help to me

    Thanks, Calum
  3. Calum Iain MacArthur
    03-09-13 11:15 PM
    Calum Iain MacArthur
    Hi all,
    Still looking for a B2 audi 80 front bumper with integrated fog lamps for the facelift model. If anyone can help me please drop me a line.

  4. Calum Iain MacArthur
    04-05-13 11:31 AM
    Calum Iain MacArthur
    Hi, I'm needing to know will the front bumper of a 1983 series 1 audi 80 fit a 1986 series 2 audi 80, I've seen a bumper for sale with integrated factory foglights which my 1986 audi 80 sport did have until an idiot drove into the side of me afew years back and bent the front bumper and wing.

    Confirmation of this would be much appreciated.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 15-05-17 02:59 PM
  • Join Date: 07-04-13
  • Referrals: 0

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